We are attempting to run our business on organic principles.
No chemicals where possible and growing wild flowers and trees without fertilizers.
We have had some success encouraging wildlife with woodpeckers, redkites and pine martins visiting our property on regular basis.
The Pine Martin, a family has been visiting our garden.
Great Spotted Woodpecker which has only been seen in Ireland since about 2005.
Family of them now regular visitors to our bird table.
We are on a journey to operate our business without chemicals and fertilizer.
This will hopefully benefit the insects, birds and mammals including all our dogs.
We have not used weed killers for over 24 months and also we are avoiding as much as possible chemical fertilizers.
We have seen an increase in bird life with woodpecker , red kites and other birds now common when they were rare or never seen previously.
Pine Martins are coming to feed in our garden with rabbits and pheasants being regular visitors.
We have erected over 15 bird-boxes, bat boxes and insect shelters.
We have also planted over 600 trees over the years.
We don’t use rat poison because as you know dogs love to eat this if they can and in a recent study one in five dogs have traces of rat poison in their livers https://www.nmbu.no/en/news/node/26247
Chemicals reductions
For cleaning and disinfecting it’s difficult to avoid chemicals but we are reducing on vet’s advice where possible.
Pat holding Red kite chick while being ringed by Eagle Trust volunteers in local forest.